About Our Practice

Our passion for natural solutions to good health is something we hope to pass along to those we treat. We want to help you feel motivated to make healthy choices in order to restore and improve your overall health.

Welcome to Our Clinic

Our chiropractic team are fully committed to making sure that you receive exceptional care. Each team member knows how to make you feel welcome when you come in for chiropractic care. Whether you need questions answered or want to discuss your treatment plan, the clinic’s knowledgeable and caring staff can provide assistance.
Our Chiropractic Clinic uses state-of-the-art equipment and technology to provide you with high-quality diagnostic assessments and treatments. You can expect to go over your medical history with the doctor and undergo a thorough evaluation.

Meet Our Doctor

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Brett Vasquez


Better Health Care is Our Mission

Same Day Appointments are Available.

(344) 532-2352


3207 Bountiful Blvd., Bountiful, Utah 84010